Everyone who is reading this note surely a human being, and of course alive. But do you really ‘live’? Or we just born, grew up in many ways, get married, having our own family, then when you reach 80 years old, you will struggle with these questions “what comes next?”, “heaven or hell”? or “how do my family feel after I am gone?”
Let’s begin with this sentence, ‘what is your life about?’.
What comes in my mind when I hear that question. mmm.. confuse.. yes definitely.. at age of 23, I’m still questioning it every single day. ‘what is my life about?’ , or ‘have I reached the main goal?’. Sometimes it makes me feel scared also, scared of being useless for the rest of my life, scared of being doomed by others just because I have done beyond of their expectations…
Okay.. enough about those craps.. back to the first topic, ‘what is my life about?’ , I’d rather answer ‘my life is about finding money, nice foods, true love, photography, gadgets, sports, music, fine art, travelling around the world, and enjoy being alone for some occasions’ .. and still considering many things to be put in.
Sounds hedonist.. yes I think it does.. but never mind as long as I enjoy it.. right? to be honest after 23 years of living, I’m still not sure is this my way of living? too many questions.. too much pain.. too much blah.. blah… which I don’t know how to describe.. ummh.. maybe ambiguous is the right explanation of what I feel.
But.. let say never mind again.. because no one cares.. and notice about it.. so keep on walking.. keep on living.. no one will even wanna know about you and your struggling moment.. right? why should give a damn for it?
Although those excuses keep making me suffer.. try to stand up but I can’t.. try to stop crying but truth says the other way.
Then I look deep inside my heart.. my brain.. what do I need exactly? Just now, I found this sentence, beautifully written “I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life” John 14:4-6 .. Jesus said that.. He told that to every one of us. Hoping that we could follow Him.. could obey Him and making Him as the primary source of our short life.
Now I should have experienced something different.. something encouraging.. in spite of that, I don’t say that every one of us should follow him.. nope.. I don’t have a right to judge or to tell any other people what they should do. That’s our choice.. our own choice..
Let’s ask again the main question, ‘what is my life about?’ I would answer ‘love’.. yeap.. that simple.. but with great meaning. Now the aim of my life are to love the others.. to care about them.. to think about their feelings.. to appreciate every single moment with family, with beloved person, friends and thanking God every day..
So have I leaved my hedonism world? no.. I haven’t.. I still enjoy living that way but now I have found the main reason why I live.. is to do something for others.. to become useful for them.. but the fact is I could not make all of them happy but at least I have tried my best.. right?
I just watched “the curious case of Benjamin Button” last wednesday, I found this nice quote, “You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You could swear, curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.”.. let’s this quote inspire us all..
Now my turn to ask you.. What is your life about actually? ever think about it? 🙂 permet de célébrer la vie.. lets celebrate life..

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