Be a Comedian!
Are you happy? That’s the question I found recently and really hard to answer it in a snap. I need to reconsider many things before I can come up with
Just My Humble Thoughts
Are you happy? That’s the question I found recently and really hard to answer it in a snap. I need to reconsider many things before I can come up with
Nobody’s perfect! Who don’t agree with it? But even we do realize that no one could be a perfect person, we keep worry to make a step forward in our
How you see things in life? I just realized something recently. We actually have many ways to see our problems in life. We can be as sarcastic as we want,
Ada yang bilang, hidup itu seperti roller coaster, naik, turun, jungkir-balik begitu cepat. Tapi kalau menurut saya, hidup itu benar seperti roller coaster tetapi si penumpang matanya ditutup selama perjalanan.
Don’t wait for her birthday,her anniversary or Mothers Day to let her know you love her. Make sure you treasure every single moment with her. –quote di twitter yang di
In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. – Robert Fros Ever seen some error message on your laptop screen like this one